June 30, 2021 Download the pdf: Testimony on S413 and H733 An Act to Improve Employee Standards for MA Nursing Homes Senator Patricia Jehlen, Chair Joint Committee on Elder Affairs, Delivered by email: Patricia.Jehlen@masenate.gov Representative Thomas M. Stanley, Chair Joint Committee on Elder Affairs, Delivered by email: Thomas.Stanley@mahouse.gov Dignity Alliance Massachusetts (Dignity Alliance) is providing […]
Author: admin
June 30, 2021 Download the pdf: Testimony on S414 and H727 An Act to Ensure Quality of Care in Nursing Homes Senator Patricia Jehlen, Chair Joint Committee on Elder Affairs, Delivered by email: Patricia.Jehlen@masenate.gov Representative Thomas M. Stanley, Chair Joint Committee on Elder Affairs, Delivered by email: Thomas.Stanley@mahouse.gov Dear Chair Jehlen and Chair Stanley:Dignity Alliance […]
Action Steps – Contact Mass State Senators and Reps to advocate with the conference committee to support the House version of line item 9110-1640 and the Senate version of line item 1420-1000. Budget Line item 9110 – 1640 – Department of Elder Affairs Budget Line item 9110 – 1640 (Department of Elder Affairs) For the […]
Dignity Alliance Massachusetts’ Response to the Request for Information American Rescue Plan Act Home and Community-Based Community HCBS Initiatives May 2021 (See Glossary for description of abbreviations) Download the DA American Rescue Plan RFI.docx Access to Services and Supports and Community Integration Amendments to the Frail Elder Waiver to Support New Services Add Residential Services […]
Dear Senators, Dignity Alliance Massachusetts supports the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home bond bill S. 2439 as well as adoption of Amendment 13 proposed by Senator Lovely and Amendment 16 proposed by Senator Collins. These amendments ensure that the construction of a replacement facility on the campus of the current Holyoke Soldiers’ Home adheres to the US […]
Read two articles from the Boston Globe. The first is by the Globe Editorial Board, Holyoke veterans deserve more than a new building, from April 8. The second is the published letter (April 14) in response, In pushing old-style approach for a new soldiers’ home, Mass. abandons key blueprint for care, from Paul Lanzikos. Both […]
Honor Our Aging Veterans, but let Holyoke’s Soldiers Home Fade Away. Honor Our Aging Veterans, but let Holyoke’s Soldiers Home Fade Away. By Richard T. Moore In his famous address to the United States Congress on April 19, 1951, exactly seventy years ago, General Douglas MacArthur ended his valiant military career with the words of […]
Dignity Alliance Massachusetts advocates for the adoption of the following amendment affecting Line Item 7004-9030: Alternative Housing Voucher Program, mobile housing vouchers for people with disabilities under age 60 in the amount of at least $14.2 million. For questions or other communication, please contact Shaya French at sfrench@bostoncil.org. Download the statement, including Dignity Alliance member […]
Dignity Alliance Massachusetts advocates for the adoption of the following amendment affecting Line Item 4120-4000 (Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission): For a pilot project to develop community-based comprehensive sites to provide behavioral health services for adults under age sixty. The goals are to deter persons from nursing home placements and to discharge people under sixty years older […]
Dignity Alliance Massachusetts advocates for the adoption of the following amendment affecting Line Item 9110-1640 (Executive Office of Elder Affairs): Level funding at $1,000,000 with a requirement to add two new treatment sites. Supporting information: This account was increased from $800,000 to $1 million in the FY ’21 budget, however, the Executive Office of Administration […]