Behavioral Health

The Behavioral Health Work Group advocates for appropriate and accessible behavioral health services for community dwelling older adults and adults under 60 so they can remain in the community; and appropriate and effective behavioral health services for adults who live in nursing homes so they can have opportunities to move to the community.

Facts and Issues


See the State Legislative Endorsements page, the State Budget page and the Federal Legislative Endorsements page for a list of all Dignity Alliance supported bills.


2024-01-18 Spotlight: Scrutinize private equity’s involvement in health care

*Boston Globe, January 17, 2024By The Editorial Board Higher prices, worse outcomes don’t serve patients or providers. When Pamela Daly ...

FY 2022 Budget Amendment Endorsement: 4120-4000 ( pilot to develop community-based sites for behavioral health services for adults under sixty)

Dignity Alliance Massachusetts advocates for the adoption of the following amendment affecting Line Item 4120-4000 (Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission): For a ...

Resolution: Specialized Populations

Dignity Alliance supports lifting the DON moratorium for specialized skilled nursing facilities for substance use/mental health issues and COVID-19 rehabilitation ...

Request to State Auditor

Dignity Alliance Massachusetts has sent a letter to State Auditor Suzanne Bump, asking for a follow up audit of nursing ...
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