Accessibility Disclaimer

The purpose of Dignity Alliance Massachusetts is to advocate changes in the provision of long-term services, support, and care in Massachusetts. We strive to provide access to current information as well as different perspectives and opinions. We regularly scan a wide range of information sources and other resources which we share, primarily through the weekly release of The Tuesday Digest

While we strive to make our website and information links usable for everyone, we do not have control over the accessibility of these sources. Some of our sources are even behind paywalls, but we feel their information is important enough that we want to at least let everyone know that the information is available. 

We are committed to ensure that content we originate is accessible. If you tried to read a PDF or other document that is technically inaccessible to you, please fill out the form below and we will either tag the PDF or, when feasible, send you the information in alternate format. 

We are committed to making the website fully accessible, so please let us know of anything we have overlooked in our website development and operation.

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