
Governor’s Council on Aging 5 Year Report – DignityMA Analysis

September 27, 2022

Download the entire pdf: DignityMA response to the 5 Year Report.

Approximately five years ago, the Baker Administration issued an Executive Order establishing a Governor’s Council on Aging in Massachusetts intended to make the Commonwealth an “age-friendly” state and to encourage cities and towns, employers and others to adopt “age-friendly” values, policies and programs.

In fairness, it must be noted that the work of the Council and its recommendations were developed prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic which negatively affected older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers, especially those in nursing homes, more than any other segment of the population.  Of course, everyone was impacted by the pandemic to one degree or another. 

On September 22, 2022, the Council held its final meeting of the Baker Administration to “celebrate,” as they said the progress that’s been made on building an age-friendly Commonwealth.  With respect, Dignity Alliance believes that a celebration to mark progress toward an age-friendly state is comparable to the time when President George Bush landed on the USS Abraham Lincoln and declared “Mission Accomplished,” even though 97% of the deaths in Iraq occurred after that declaration.  In other words, there’s a lot more to be done before the state is truly age-friendly, and simply making recommendations or signing paper pledges, while welcome, is only a first step.

Download the entire pdf: DignityMA response to the 5 Year Report.