Covid-19 News

Resolution: Correct SS Covid Cut

Without this protection, people who become eligible for Social Security in 2022 will be the victims of potentially reduced benefits, due to the 2019 – 2020 economic downturn. For more details, read: Some retirees social security benefits could dip unless Congress acts from CNBC.

Resolution Urging the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation to Correct the Social Security COVID Cut – December 2020

Dignity Alliance, Massachusetts has agreed to send the following resolution to the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation.

Whereas, Older Adults and People with Disabilities in Massachusetts and all Americans age fifty or overs are already on edge about their financial and retirement security: The one-two punch of the pandemic and the economic crisis puts millions of people in our community in danger; and

Whereas, Social Security is the largest source of retirement income for most Americans and provides nearly all income for one in four seniors. And across the board — no matter party affiliation or age — the American public overwhelmingly supports Social Security; and

Whereas, Workers have paid into Social Security with every paycheck. It’s a hard-earned benefit and a promise that must be kept; and

Whereas, Whereas, People turning age 60 in 2020 could see their Social Security benefits unfairly slashed simply because their lifetime benefits will be based on this year’s average wage index, which is dramatically lower because of the economic disruption of the pandemic; and

Whereas, The Social Security COVID cut is devastating news for around 4 million Americans born in 1960. Their lifetime benefits could be cut by up to $70,000 simply because the coronavirus has hurt the economy and reduced average wages this year; and

Whereas, Dignity Alliance for Massachusetts believes that such a calculation of benefits will diminish the dignity of older adults and people with disabilities through a reduction of their benefits as compared to their peers of other years; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that Dignity Alliance Massachusetts, the largest state association of individuals and organizations advocating for dignity and quality of life for older adults and people with disabilities, hereby urge the members of the United States Congress representing Massachusetts, take a leading role in correcting this miscarriage of fairness, and be it further

Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation.

Download the resolution, including member endorsements: Resolution to MA Congressional Delegation to correct SS Covid Cut.docx