Category: General Older Adult Lobby Day

Older Adult Lobby Day

February 27, 2024

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Great Hall, State House
Learn more and register for Older Adult Lobby Day

Advocate for critical supports to help older adults and people with disabilities live healthy lives in the community

Older adults and people with disabilities want to remain safely in their homes as they age. Many state programs and independent organizations exist to help people remain connected with friends, families, and communities while avoiding costly institutional care, but these programs need legislative commitment and strong funding.

Please join us at the Statehouse to urge your legislators to fund and support quality, effective community-based services for older adults!  And wear blue!

Featured Speakers:
Senator Patricia D. Jehlen
Representative Thomas M. Stanley
Chairs, Joint Committee on Elder Affairs

Box lunches are available courtesy of Mass Home Care, AARP, and Massachuseetts Association of Councils on Aging.

Request a box lunch

Older Adult Lobby Day sponsors:
The Older Adult Behavioral Health Network
Massachusetts Association for Mental Health (MAMH)
AARP Massachusetts
Mass Home Care
Dignity Alliance MA
MA Senior Action
Massachusetts Councils on Aging
Massachusetts Guardianship Policy Institute
Alzheimer's Association
Action for Boston Community Development

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