Category: General May 15 Leo Live: Webinar Series with Leo Sarkissian

May 15 Leo Live: Webinar Series with Leo Sarkissian

May 15, 2023

The Arc
Monday, May 15, 2023, 12:00 p.m.

Vicky Pulos, Senior Health Law Staff Attorney at the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, will join Leo for a session on MassHealth Redetermination. Vicky Pulos joined MLRI in 2000 as a health law attorney. Her work concentrates on assuring low-income people access to health care, through advocacy, training, technical support, and litigation. She received her law degree from Harvard Law School. She is the author of MLRI’s MassHealth Advocacy Guide. Her current work focuses on defending coverage in the MassHealth and ConnectorCare programs.

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