September 13, 2023
Secretary Augustus has served as Chief of Staff for Massachusetts Congressman James McGovern, City Manager for Worcester, and Chancellor for Dean College. In May 2023, he was appointed the inaugural Secretary of the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities by Governor Maura Healey.
Secretary Augustus will make opening remarks and then will have a dialogue with participants. Issues expected to be covered include: development of affordable, accessible housing; expansion of the Affordable Housing Voucher Program (AHVP); Home Modernization Grants; funding for Independent Living Centers; accessory dwelling units; responding to heat wave emergencies; issues regarding elder and disabled housing.
The Study Session is open to all. Pre-registration is not required.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85203719039?pwd=dWRUaHJIYkdlblY4K1FGeGJJRHBrdz09
Meeting ID: 852 0371 9039
Passcode: 947907
One tap mobile: 13052241968
Telephone: 305 224 1968; 309 205 3325
Questions: please contact Dick Moore, rmoore8743@charter.net, or Paul Lanzikos, paul.lanzikos@gmail.com.