Facilities Testimony

Testimony: Applications for Determination of Need from Long-Term Care Facilities

Testimony to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Determination of Need Program relative to its Memorandum on Applications for Determination of Need from Long Term Care Facilities dated October 6, 2020.  This response is being presented on behalf of the members of Dignity Alliance Massachusetts. Download the written testimony: DignityAllianceDPHDON.docx. The Need for Skilled Nursing […]

Behavioral Health Facilities Resolution

Resolution: Specialized Populations

Dignity Alliance supports lifting the DON moratorium for specialized skilled nursing facilities for substance use/mental health issues and COVID-19 rehabilitation. Any applicant which proposes to serve this population should demonstrate that it has the skills, expertise, appropriate programming, and trained staff to adequately meet the needs of the population. We question the need for special […]

Covid-19 Facilities Resolution

Resolution: Enhanced Infection Control

Dignity Alliance generally applauds the Department’s attention to infection control and believes this should be a priority for ALL skilled nursing facilities, not only in some new specialized facility. Issue The Department deserves commendation for requiring responsible infection prevention and control of any new or amended DON serving one of the specialized populations identified in […]

Facilities Resolution

Resolution: Dedication of New Beds for MassHealth Recipients

Dignity Alliance applauds the Department’s recognition that older adults and persons with disabilities who qualify for MassHealth have the right to be treated with dignity and respect as any other individuals. This can be best demonstrated in every person’s ability to choose to live in single-occupancy rooms in any skilled nursing facilities whether specialized or […]

Facilities Resolution

Resolution: Performance Scores

Dignity Alliance agrees that quality measures and past performance of applicants are vital to offering long-term care services. Issue An eligible applicant, in addition to being in the top quartile performance as measured in and reported to the Commonwealth’s Nursing Home Survey Performance Tool, must demonstrate that it has been in the top quartile for […]

Facilities News Resolution

Resolution: Compliance with DON Health Priorities

Dignity Alliance urges the Department to set the bar high and suggests that all the listed priorities are important. Applicants should be required to state what they will do to support each of the priorities listed in the Memorandum and any others required by the Department. Issue Issue: Rather than require an applicant to address […]


Alison Barkoff

Alison Barkoff was sworn into office as the Principal Deputy Administrator on January 20, 2021, and currently is serving as Acting Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging. In this capacity, she provides executive direction, leadership, guidance and coordination for ACL programs nationwide and advises the HHS Secretary on issues affecting individuals with disabilities and older […]

Covid-19 Facilities News

Baker says vaccine will be administered to those in shelters, prisons, and senior housing

By Travis Andersen Globe Staff, January 13, 2021 Governor Charlie Baker said Wednesday that Massachusetts will start administering the COVID-19 vaccine Monday to the more than 94,000 people who live and work in congregate care settings such as prisons, shelters, and certain private special education schools. Baker broke the news at his regular State House […]

Behavioral Health Covid-19 Facilities News

Request to State Auditor

Dignity Alliance Massachusetts has sent a letter to State Auditor Suzanne Bump, asking for a follow up audit of nursing facilities. The letter is copied below, or download the DAMAuditor Letter on Nursing Home Complaints.docx. “We appreciate the work you and your office reported in September 2019 regarding the unconscionable delays in complaint investigations of […]

Covid-19 News

Resolution: Correct SS Covid Cut

Without this protection, people who become eligible for Social Security in 2022 will be the victims of potentially reduced benefits, due to the 2019 – 2020 economic downturn. For more details, read: Some retirees social security benefits could dip unless Congress acts from CNBC. Resolution Urging the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation to Correct the Social Security […]