Facilities News Spotlight

2023-04-10 Spotlight: Dignity for All: Increase Scrutiny of Nursing Home Finances

National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care

Materials Available from Consumer Voice Webinar

Despite receiving tens of billions of dollars each year in Medicare and Medicaid dollars, there is little accountability for how nursing homes spend taxpayer dollars. Consumer Voice and Ernie Tosh discussed our new report, “Where do the Billions of Dollars Go? A Look at Nursing Home Related Party Transactions.” The report takes an in-depth look at how nursing home owners and operators funnel billions of dollars through companies they own with little to no accountability for how that money is used each year. In addition, we offered examples and solutions to address this industry-wide problem to ensure public dollars are going toward resident care.

Webinar Materials:

Take Action Now!

The Biden Administration is on the brink of implementing important reforms for nursing homes – requiring staffing standards and increasing transparency and accountability for owners and use of public money. We need Members of Congress to show their support for these proposals that will promote meaningful improvements in care for residents. Tell your Members to support nursing home staffing and transparency!Send a message to your Members of Congress »

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