Actions Facilities

Advocate for Nursing Home Reform

Please contact Senator Pat Jehlen (, (617) 722-1578) and Representative Tom Stanley (, (617) 722-2810) of the Committee on Elder Affairs to urge favorable action on S414 and other bills that would improve the quality of nursing homes. It is possible that some of these bills may be incorporated into a larger Nursing Home Reform bill. We have provided contact information for the sponsors, but please also contact your own legislators.

  • S414 / H727 – An Act to ensure quality of care in nursing homes
    • Next Reporting Date May 16th
  • S418 / H745 – An Act relative to expanding the availability of personal care homes for older adults
    • Lead Sponsors:
    • Status: Extension Order from Joint Committee on Elder Affairs
    • Next Reporting Deadline, May 16th
  • S403 / H724 – An Act to improve nursing home job standards and care quality
  • S413 / H733 – An Act to improve employer standards for Massachusetts nursing homes
  • S422 An Act relative to reserving beds in nursing homes during certain leaves of absence
    • Lead Sponsor: Senator Mark Montigny –, (617) 722-1440
    • Status : Extension Order
    • Next Reporting Day May 16th
  • S424 An Act to prevent patient abuse and death in nursing homes
    • Lead Sponsor: Senator Mark Montigny –, (617) 722-1440
    • Status: Extension Order Committee on Elder Affairs
    • Next Reporting Date, May 16th
  •  S406 An Act Relative to Small House Nursing Homes