Advocacy Home and Community Based

Support Community Service Budget Items

Action Steps – Contact Mass State Senators and Reps to advocate with the conference committee to support the House version of line item 9110-1640 and the Senate version of line item 1420-1000.

Budget Line item 9110 – 1640 – Department of Elder Affairs

Budget Line item 9110 – 1640 (Department of Elder Affairs)

For the geriatric mental health program, including outreach, counseling, resource management and system navigation for community-dwelling elders with mental health needs Support the HOUSE version at $1.2 million. (Senate is only $1 million.)

Budget Line Item 1420-1000 (Mass Rehabilitation Commission)

Support the Senate version which funds a pilot project at MRC to maintain or to place adults under age 60 in the community(from nursing homes or shelters) with wrap around behavioral health services.

For contact information for Massachusetts legislators, see:

Contact Frank at with any questions.

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