Advocacy News

FY 2022 Budget Amendment Endorsement: 9110-1640 (Executive Office of Elder Affairs – Level funding at $1,000,000 and two new treatment sites.)

Dignity Alliance Massachusetts advocates for the adoption of the following amendment affecting Line Item 9110-1640 (Executive Office of Elder Affairs): Level funding at $1,000,000 with a requirement to add two new treatment sites.

Supporting information:  This account was increased from $800,000 to $1 million in the FY ’21 budget, however, the Executive Office of Administration and Finance would not release the additional funding to operate two new sites claiming that they did not want to start new programs for which funding was not, necessarily, available in subsequent years.

For questions or other communication, please contact Frank Baskin at

Download the statement, including Dignity Alliance MA member endorsements: Fy 2022 State Budget Amendment Line Item 9110-1640.docx.

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