Facilities Resolution

Resolution: Performance Scores

Dignity Alliance agrees that quality measures and past performance of applicants are vital to offering long-term care services.


An eligible applicant, in addition to being in the top quartile performance as measured in and reported to the Commonwealth’s Nursing Home Survey Performance Tool, must demonstrate that it has been in the top quartile for the three (3) years preceding the DON application. In addition, all deficiencies reported to the Department, the Long-Term Care Ombudsman, or the Attorney General must be evaluated and considered in the determination. Prior to granting any DON under this Memorandum, an independent financial and performance audit should be completed to assure the financial capacity of the facility to maintain performance in the top quartile even during any public health emergency. Notwithstanding the immunity provisions of Chapter 64 of the Acts of 2020, the applicant must demonstrate that it has not been the subject of litigation relative to quality of care and safety of patients during the previous three years prior to the DON application.

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