Category: General The Big Idea: Should We Reinvent Our Life Funding Models for an Era of Change?

The Big Idea: Should We Reinvent Our Life Funding Models for an Era of Change?

November 6, 2023 November 7, 2023

The Century Summit 2023

Longevity Connection (Stanford University)
Monday, November 6 and Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Rapid increases in longevity, shifting dynamics in labor markets, the climate, technology, and population have already created a mismatch between our life funding models and the way people actually live. From the way we fund education and career preparation, to how we help families take time to care for loved ones of all ages, to how people maintain financial stability in moments of career transition, to how we ensure that people have sufficient income and resources after they stop working—our systems, which already exclude millions, don't work too well. And that's before we layer on increased climate event frequency, the changes that AI could bring to the labor market, and 60-year careers with multiple "reskilling" moments of transition.
In this panel, we'll look ahead to consider all the ways that a 100-year life will challenge our funding mechanisms, and where we need to look for solutions. What does this future tell us that we need to fix, or build, right now?

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