June 29, 2023
State Director of Rural Affairs Anne Gobi will be the featured guest for a DignityMA Study Session scheduled for Thursday, June 29, 2023 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Former State Senator Anne Gobi was selected by Gov. Maura Healey in May to be the state's first director of rural affairs serving as an advocate and ombudsman regarding issues of concern as well as opportunities within rural communities throughout the Commonwealth. Her position is located within the Executive Office of Economic Development.
Director Gobi will make opening remarks and then will have a dialogue with participants. Issues expected to be covered include: public transportation; public health resources; home care; mental health, substance use, and social services; affordable, accessible housing; and caregiving workforce.
The Study Session is open to all. Pre-registration is not required.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83277468849?pwd=c1ZwWXkzMlVqVGJMVStQbFpPOXExZz09
Meeting ID: 832 7746 8849
Passcode: 926621
One tap mobile: 16469313860
Telephone: 1 646 931 3860
Questions: please contact Dick Moore: rmoore8743@charter.net or Paul Lanzikos: paul.lanzikos@gmail.com