Category: General Collaborating for Justice for Older African Americans Guide - Webinar 1 - Intro

Collaborating for Justice for Older African Americans Guide - Webinar 1 - Intro

March 19, 2024

National Center on Elder Abuse
New Webinar Series

In the fall of 2023, the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL) released the Collaborating for Justice for Older African Americans Guide (herein Collaborating for Justice), which aims to equip professionals working with older adults to build stronger and more equitable collaborations with African American community-based and culturally-specific programs. Through these collaborations, older African Americans impacted by elder abuse will have greater access to effective and culturally responsive services and supports.

Collaborating for Justice presents invaluable insights of stakeholders from African American culturally-specific programs across the country who shared their expertise, experiences, and deep understanding of the cultural nuances and historical context of services and community collaboration. Additionally, the guide reflects the perspectives and experiences of mainstream elder justice professionals regarding benefits and barriers of collaboration with culturally-specific programs.

NCALL is excited to announce a 3-part webinar series on Collaborating for Justice. All webinars will be held from 2-3:30pm ET.

  • Tuesday, March 19, 2024: Webinar 1: Introduction to Collaborating for Justice – This webinar will further introduce the guide and discuss the need for culturally-specific organizations.
  • Tuesday, March 26, 2024: Webinar 2: Guiding Principles of Equitable Collaboration – This webinar will elaborate on the guiding principles of equitable collaboration.
  • Tuesday, April 16, 2024: Webinar 3: In conversation about Collaborating for Justice – This webinar will feature a conversation with culturally-specific program leaders, Antonia Norton of The Asha Project (Milwaukee, WI), Kalimah Johnson of The SASHA Center (Detroit, MI), and Dr. Patricia Davenport of Our House (Greenville, MS), about their experience and insights on equitable partnership development.

All webinars are designed to be interactive with opportunities for group discussions and will encourage attendees to engage their agencies and communities about their collaboration experience and next steps in the time between each webinar.

This webinar series is ideal for:

  • Leaders of mainstream service provider agencies, such as: aging services networks, local aging or senior services agencies, domestic violence and sexual assault non-profit organizations.
  • Coordinators and members of Community Coordination Teams such as: Elder Justice Taskforces, Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs), Enhanced Multidisciplinary Teams (E-MDTs), Coordinated Community Response Teams (CCRs).

Attendees are encouraged to review Collaborating for Justice prior to the webinar series and are welcome to submit questions at the time of registration and/or prior to the webinar via email to Victoria Ferguson-Young at

Please secure your spot by registering to join the Collaborating for Justice Webinar Series.

We are committed to creating an accessible webinar experience for all participants. In order to do so, we will only be able to guarantee accommodations to individuals who register at least three weeks prior to any given webinar. For inquiries about accessibility accommodations (e.g., sign language interpreters, alternative formats) please contact

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