Category: General ADUs and Housing Affordability: Challenges to Financing and Construction

ADUs and Housing Affordability: Challenges to Financing and Construction

April 27, 2023

Bipartisan Policy Center
Thursday, April 27, 2023, 1:00 p.m.

With affordable housing in short supply, some states and local governments have responded by unlocking the potential of accessory dwelling units (ADUs), typically smaller and more affordable housing units located on the same lot as a single-family home. While recent efforts to legalize ADUs are proving successful, they can be expensive to construct, and inadequate financing options limit their expansion and development.

In this webinar, BPC will host a discussion with industry leaders and policy experts about the potential of ADUs to help address our nation’s housing supply shortage, key barriers to ADU development and construction, and potential policy and private sector solutions to scale up effective models and empower homeowners to build ADUs.


  • David Garcia | Policy Director, Terner Center for Housing Innovation, UC Berkeley
  • Dan Hardcastle | Policy Advisor, Office of the Secretary, HUD
  • Andrew Kalloch | Policy Development Lead, Airbnb
  • Kelly Marrocco | Director, Affordable Credit & Policy, Freddie Mac
  • Owen Minott | Senior Policy Analyst, BPC (Moderator)

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