November 6, 2024
National Center on Elder Abuse
Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 1:00 to 2:15 p.m.
Conversations on Caregiving, Ethics, and Elder Mistreatment
Caregiving for a family member, chosen family, partner, or friend, can be very rewarding and meaningful. It can also be challenging. As a loved one's needs increase and caregiving duties expand over time, unexpected physical, emotional, and/or financial hardships may arise. Within this context, critical ethical questions may surface on topics including healthcare and financial decision-making; self-determination, safety, and autonomy; the changing nature of family relationships; and the link between caregiving and abuse. Panelists will discuss ethical issues in caregiving and practices to prevent mistreatment.
- Nicholas R. Mercado, DrPH, MCHES, HEC-C, Clinical Ethicist, Director of Bioethics for the MD Program and Assistant Professor, Department of Health Humanities and Bioethics, University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry
- Georgia J. Anetzberger, PhD, ACSW, FGSA, Consultant in private practice and Adjunct Faculty, Case Western Reserve University
- Pamela Teaster, PhD, MA, MS, Professor of Human Development and Family Science, Virginia Tech & Director, Virginia Tech Center for Gerontology
- Donna Benton, PhD, Director, Los Angeles Family Caregiver Resource Center & Professor, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
- Candace Heisler, JD, Author, Trainer, & Consultant and Retired Assistant District Attorney, City and County of San Francisco