Category: General Advocacy for MA DDS Self-Directed Services as envisioned by the 2014 Real Lives Law

Advocacy for MA DDS Self-Directed Services as envisioned by the 2014 Real Lives Law

September 17, 2024

Massachusetts Alliance for 21st Century Disability Policy (MA21)

Join the conversation about Massachusetts Alliance for 21st Century Disability Policy (MA21) advocacy for changes to MA DDS Self-Directed Services to comply with the 2014 Real Lives Law. Help improve regulations and waivers at the Dept. of Developmental Services (DDS) to increase transparency, flexibility, and self-determination.

You can choose to attend one or more of the following sessions.

  • Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 1:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024,1:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 1:30 p.m.

Register for a Real Lives Law conversation.

Posted by admin

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