Awards and Events News Spotlight

2024-01-25 Spotlight: Neal Honored by DignityMA

Neal is a former chair, and current ranking member, of the US House Committee on Ways and Means which deals with Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and other issues affecting older adults and people with disabilities.

“Ranking Member Neal has been a strong champion for nursing home residents and individuals needing long-term care and services.  He has been a true leader in proposing and supporting policies that support residents, and has been unwavering in his commitment to promoting quality long-term care and services for those who need them,” Paul Lanzikos, a former Massachusetts Secretary of Elder Affairs, explained in a statement.

Congressman Richard Neal honored by Dignity Alliance of Massachusetts

22WWLP.COM, January 22, 2024
By Melissa Torres

The Dignity Alliance of Massachusetts hosted an event Monday honoring Congressman Richard Neal as its Federal House Legislator of the Year.

Dignity Alliance is dedicated to transformative change to ensure the dignity of older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers. They are committed to advancing new ways of providing long-term services and care, while respecting choice and self-determination.

On Monday, they presented an award to Congressman Neal who has demonstrated exceptional work on long term services and supports. Neal has helped transform the current health care landscape, expanding care and coverage for our most vulnerable populations.

“There’s a corresponding interest that we have in preservation and growth of Medicare. Medicare has changed lives all for the better. I was actually able to do something that was unheard of, I successfully amended an entitlement program and the amendment went like this; If you’re 65 or older and you have an opiate addiction, you now qualify for Medicare.” said Neal.

Other legislators received nominations for their advocacy and support on behalf of older adults, persons with disabilities and their caregivers as recognized by participants in Dignity Alliance.

Some of the previous winners of this legislative award include Senator Patricia Jehlen and Representative Ruth Balser.  (Dignity Alliance Awards webpage).

Basil Maurice (Stavros), Brianna Zimmerman, Congressman Richard Neal, Paul Lanzikos (DignityMA), Former Senator Richard Moore (DignityMA)

Basil Maurice (Stavros), Brianna Zimmerman (Stavros), Congressman Richard Neal, Paul Lanzikos (DignityMA), Former Senator Richard Moore (DignityMA)
Image by Melissa Torres of 22 News

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