Awards and Events

2022 State Legislative Awards

On June 15, 2022, Dignity Alliance MA presented awards to state legislators who have demonstrated exceptional work on long term services and supports.

Outstanding Dignity Legislators 2021-2022

Senator Patricia Jehlen

Senator Patricia Jehlen is, without doubt, the “GO TO” senator on all issues concerning nursing home transformative reform and elder issues, and has been throughout her years in the Legislature.  She has a lengthy record of legislative accomplishments on behalf of older adults, persons with disabilities and their caregivers. Her leadership of the nursing home task force, in which she held nursing home industry leaders accountable despite the deck being stacked against consumers throughout the process.

Representative Ruth Balser

Representative Ruth Balser is a staunch advocate for elders, people with disabilities, and their caregivers. She was especially impressive in the questions and concerns she offered during public hearings for the 2019 Nursing Facility Task Force. When COVID-19 emerged as a major problem for nursing home residents and staff, with low PPE inventories and rapid spreading of the virus, she was the champion of early pandemic legislation for data transparency.  She has been a major champion in the Legislature for architectural access and housing for people with disabilities, including AHVP funding.

Paul Lanzikos, Senator Jehlen, Nino Lombardi (artist), Representative Balser and Senator Richard
Paul Lanzikos, Senator Jehlen, Nino Lombardi (artist), Representative Balser and Senator Richard Moore.
Meg Coffin, Maura Donahue, Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Paul Lanzikos, Nino Lombardi, Senator Jehlen, Senator Moore, Arlene Germain ,R Feyman, Shaya French, Felix Jordan, Bill Henning
Maura Donahue, Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Paul Lanzikos, Nino Lombardi, Representative Ruth Balser, Bill Henning, Senator Moore, Shaya French, R Feyman,Felix Jordan, Meg Coffin, Arlene Germain

Lifetime Achievement

Two legislators, Senator Chandler and Representative Campbell, who are not seeking re-election, are also deemed worthy of recognition in view of their long-time leadership on issues concerning older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers

Senator Harriet Chandler

Senator Harriet Chandler holds award and artwork
Senator Harriet Chandler

Representative Linda Dean Campbell

“Throughout her service in the Legislature, Representative Campbell has championed the causes of older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers,” explained Richard Moore, Chair of Dignity Alliance’s Legislative Committee and a former state senator and representative. “She is among the most dedicated and effective legislators, who gets things done for those she was elected to serve. Dignity Alliance is proud to honor Representative Campbell, he added.

left-right: Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Representative Linda Dean Campbell, Senator Dick Moore, Susie Backstrom, Maura Donahue, Bill Henning
left-right: Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Representative Linda Dean Campbell, Senator Dick Moore, Susie Backstrom, Maura Donahue, Bill Henning

Legislator Citations

Other legislators received nominations for their advocacy and support on behalf of older adults, persons with disabilities and their caregivers as recognized by participants in Dignity Alliance.  The following legislators received Certificates of Exemplary Support:             

  • Senator Michael Moore
  • Senator Jamie Eldridge
  • Senator Jason Lewis
  • Senator Joanne Comerford
  • Senator Cindy Friedman
  • Representative Marjorie Decker
  • Representative Christine Barber
  • Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian
  • Representative Thomas Stanley
  • Representative Josh Cutler
Felix Jordan,Maura Donahue ,Arlene Germaine, , Meg Coffin, Senator Jamie Eldridge, Senator Dick Moore, Lachlan Forrow, Paul Lanzikos, Shaya French, Chris Hoeh
Felix Jordan,Maura Donahue ,Arlene Germaine, , Meg Coffin, Senator Jamie Eldridge, Senator Dick Moore, Lachlan Forrow, Paul Lanzikos, Shaya French ,Chris Hoeh
Felix Jordan, Maura Donahue , Meg Coffin, Bill Henning, Senator Michael Moore, Senator Dick Moore, Paul Lanzikos, Arlene Germaine, Shaya French, Lachlan Forrow
Felix Jordan, Maura Donahue , Meg Coffin, Bill Henning, Senator Michael Moore, Senator Dick Moore, Paul Lanzikos, Arlene Germaine, Shaya French, Lachlan Forrow
Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Paul Lanzikos, Representative Barber, Senator Jehlen, Senator Moore, Bill Henning, Shaya French, Meg Coffin, R Feyman, Felix Jordan
Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Paul Lanzikos, Representative Barber, Senator Jehlen, Senator Moore, Bill Henning, Shaya French, Meg Coffin, R Feyman, Felix Jordan
Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian, Senator Dick Moore, Susie Backstrom, Bill Henning, Maura Donahue
Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian, Senator Dick Moore, Susie Backstrom, Bill Henning, Maura Donahue
Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Senator Jo Comerford, Senator Dick Moore, Bill Henning, Susie Backstrom, Maura Donahue
Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Senator Jo Comerford, Senator Dick Moore, Bill Henning, Susie Backstrom, Maura Donahue
Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Representative Josh Cutler, Senator Dick Moore, Susie Backstrom, Bill Henning, Maura Donahue
Chris Hoeh, Lachlan Forrow, Representative Josh Cutler, Senator Dick Moore, Susie Backstrom, Bill Henning, Maura Donahue
Senator Cindy Friedman and Senator Dick Moore
Senator Cindy Friedman and Senator Dick Moore

Thank you to Anna Krieger and Bill Henning for many of the photographs.

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